Immersive streaming
Stream anywhere: Free to watch on TV, mobile and web
Global creation: Your livestreams instantly reach millions of TVs worldwide
Immersive features: Chat, shop, AI, read, rewards and more
Streams to watch now
380,000 mins
Streams added (monthly)
14 Million
TV installs
Low code, modular, interchain
Low code: No coding knowledge? No problem.
One-click deployment for token and audited smart contracts.
Modular: Proof-of-Stake consensus, Data availability, fast and low cost.
Interchain: 17+ chains supported, powered by Axelar
Secure, simple staking
Driven by Bolt+: Off-chain activity driving on-chain rewards
Daily rewards: Stake and earn securely
Stake across chains: Interchain staking across 17 chains